What could be better to see your favorite brand associated with a globally recognized muse? Brand ambassadors play a key role when the brand wants to reach its audience in an authentic and credible way.
In the Ambassador Marketing guide published by P2P Marketing in 2021, brand ambassadors represent a strong marketing strategy that does as much talk and sell as an advertising poster. However, is it always interesting to turn to celebrities when we know that these days the consumer wants proximity?
Athletes, icons of beauty
With their Apollo bodies they make men vibrate, moreover they are world famous.
For years, men cosmetic brands have offered the services of athletes to promote their products and represent their brand. Until then reserved for film actors and models, top-level athletes are increasingly entering the advertising field. Why? They embody men people can feel close to.
At the start of 2020, the Recipe For Men brand is teaming up with Sweden's flagship player: Albin Ekdal. Now, brand ambassador for the brand, Recipe For Men keeps it simple and the message is clear. His role,"spread the message about men’s grooming and inspire men to take better care of their skin". By partnering with a professional athlete, brands are above all looking for an ambassador who resembles them, whose values are identical. For instance, Albin Ekdal, a beloved player who does not hesitate to get involved in societal subjects.
In a similar manner, Gillette in 2017 offered itself the services of Antoine Griezman, highly appreciated by the general public after the 2016 Euro. Proud to succeed the athletes who came before him like the famous tennisman Roger Federer in 2014, he declared himself ‘I use the brand's razor daily’. At his side, the brand calls on PSG soccer star Neymar to embody the brand in South America. Together, they promote values such as selflessness and resistance for Gillette.
On the other hand, the brand of the P&G group, rather good student, understood the lesson well. It is necessary to evolve at the same time as your consumers but above all at the same time as society. That's why, Gillette joined forces in 2020 with the Kourtrajmé school.
THEIR GOAL ? Through advertising campaigns deconstruct stereotypes linked to masculinity.
HOW? Putting forward the stress every men feel before a job interview, the mourning of a father for a son or the expression of feelings, doubts of a man in his daily life?
So, who could be better than real people to advocate our products?
What if I tell you, you could become a brand ambassador? A joke? It is not.
This is the strategy that many brands have chosen to follow and that is how the French brand Horace decided to rely on its community. Their catch phrase : “Vous êtes nos plus beaux modèles” (‘You are our most beautiful models’). The message is clear as the brand’s image and identity which consists in making men feel good in their own skin.
In a different but equally effective way, the young French brand Monsieur Barbier does not promote celebrities or real people, but devotes a very clear section on the website dedicated to user testimonials. It offers real details and insights about the products to the customers.
In this article, we did not tackle the point that brands also focus on influencers and personalities on social media but you can check our article dedicated to this topic!
Pauline Nortier
Sources :
- Antoine Griezmann égérie de Gillette: "Je n'aime pas me prendre au sérieux" [online]. LExpress.fr. [Viewed 28 October 2021]. Available from: https://www.lexpress.fr/tendances/soin-homme/antoine-griezmann-egerie-de-gillette-je-n-aime-pas-me-prendre-au-serieux_1860273.html
- À propos [online]. HORACE. [Viewed 28 October 2021]. Available from: https://horace.co/fr/about-us
- Soins Rasage, Barbe et Visage pour Hommes | Monsieur BARBIER [online]. Soins Rasage, Barbe et Visage pour Hommes | Monsieur BARBIER. [Viewed 28 October 2021]. Available from: https://www.monsieurbarbier.com
- Gillette France, (2020). Le Grand Jeté - Gillette [online]. YouTube. [Viewed 28 October 2021]. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDqVgpbZ3ps