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Offline Vs. purely online brand

Qiuning WU

Updated: Nov 10, 2021

A survey in 2017 France shows 31% of consumers purchasing their cosmetic products only in the physical store and 19% on the internet only.

The forecast shows the trend of purchase patterns will slowly move toward eCommerce. By 2025, there will be more than 23 million e-commerce users in France and a 6 billion revenue contribution to the industry, almost double that in 2017.

So now, looking at the five brands.

It won't be fair to take 'recipe for men' into account since the data isn't purely from France activity or taking in the big brands Gillette and Bulldog. But there's something worth mentioning: the brands, Monsieur Barbier (Mr Barbier) and Horace.

Horace has its own physical store, and Mr Bariber is only active on the internet. Horace was founded in 2015, which is two years later than Mr Barbier. However, Horace is already in a later stage VC with $12.1M, while Mr Barbier is still at the angel stage with $339K.

It's not hard to see a pattern now if we analyse it with only data. A physical store obviously has the advantage of gaining higher brand awareness.

Compare this new brand Horace and the much older brand Recipe for men, from its total asset. Horace delivers fully of its core value and gives the right brand image to consumers.

So, the result of online versus offline is still the traditional way offline, even though eCommerce is indeed thriving fast and robust.

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