To echo my article “The Robust Gillette, still in the competition”, I wanted to analyze audience perception through social listening. So with the research “Publicité Gillette” (Gillette advertising) within the last 12 months, the main keywords that pop up are : “gillette rasoir”, “sexual harassment”, “masculinité toxique” (toxic masculinity).
All these words come from the new TV ad released by the brand l“The Best Men can be” after years of “The Best Men can get”. The problem raised : showing too much stereotypes, exaggerating the problem and getting involved too much in politics in reference to the "Mee Too" movement.
What is happening in this ad, different scenes highlight some moment of men lives, but they are applied to stigmatize behaviours among our societies.
Here is the video :
After all, all these combined raised some pretty negative opinions among a male audience represented at 83%.
To conclude, on Digimind, if you want to go more broadly and search for Gillette, one more time the key words coming out are : “nouvelle pub” (new TV ad), “pub Gillette” (Gillette TV ad) and of course the main ones like “Gillette fusion” and “blades”.
Sources :
Pauline Nortier