Social listening is a very useful and an important element to understand the product/company presence, thanks to the Digimind for giving a clean and clear understanding on the BULLDOG men’s skincare.
Data will not speak until we make it into a meaningful element, by using the right key word and required time frame Digimind has pictorially provided the raw data into a meaningful info.
With all the branding and marketing element Bulldog has actually succeeded in reaching to the right people. Its absolutly amazing that 31% of female are using the Bulldog skincare. Ir shows the efficiency and trust the brand has build with the products
I could say Brand sentiments one of the most important data in this section. It shows the trust to the brand. 64% of positive impact is a great story for the Bulldog brand
As expected, Bulldog is a UK brand and the main presence should be in UK and European region. The most interesting part is for whole the Asia region the highest presence is in Indian region. Even though Indian regions a highly competitive business zone for skincare, Bulldog has placed an excellent strategy to compete with other brands
I was personally expecting a real bulldog in the emoji, never mind.
Bulldog skincare has reflected the masculinity in the social media emoji most used under Bulldog brand name